Chhepu is a god who protects us from evils and dangers. His image is kept at the top of door in torana or at the top of window at the main entrance of temple. His image is also kept over the images of gods and goddesses. We can see a huge terrifying face and two hands grabbing big snakes and eating it which means eliminating poisons of universe. There is a moon or third eye on his head it means the wisdom of Buddha. There are horns like a sheep has which is symbol for stupidity and strong determination. There are wings on his hands it means he is flying in the sky. He is a wrathful form of Avalokiteshwora.
Shortcut story:
From the emptiness consciousness appears as Avalokiteshwora. He then created earth and creatures. At the last he created people with his own divine qualities because he was unhappy with other creatures as they were not developing themselves. People are promoting and developing themselves because they are intelligent. They can work and eat.
People were improving in not only good but also in bad. Some people and creatures were happy and rich where as others suffering in poverty. They do not have compassion with each other’s. So, they were fighting all the time. Lord Avalokiteshwora could not see and this unbalance of nature. Then to finish the life of nature what he has created, he determined to eat entire universe. For eating he became very big that everything became very small. That time people from earth could see huge angry face and two hands flying in the sky which were trying to grab this world. That time Buddha stopped him from finishing nature. Buddha was then established on his head for making him peaceful. Then Buddha suggested him to eat all the poisons of nature which is making trouble in the creatures. So, this god is eating all the poisons like ignorance, desire, envy, jealousy, anger, hatred and pride. This image of nature god is named as Chhepu. He is then kept as a seal from all the obstacles, bad fortune, dangers and evils.
Detail story:
God Chhepu is related with the origination of entire living beings, world and galaxies. First of all, nature god Shristikanta Lokeshwora/ Avalokiteshwora created this world. He was thinking for peaceful world. He created three gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. After being created Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva asked nature god why they had been created. Then nature god said them to make this earth very beautiful. He said Brahma would create people, creatures, plants, natural beauties. Brahma's work is to create and invent everything. Vishnu would manage and take good care of everything. Shiva would finish their lives as the time finish. Nature god said them to create, take care and finish for making it balance. He said to be compassionate with all creatures as they all are his children. These three gods are said to be teachers as they taught living style, language and everything. It took long time for them to develop this world. People were only one species who could understand everything.
At that time all creatures love each other’s. All creatures had hundred years to live. All creatures were inventing new things, it was hard to struggle them for comfortable life. Then after finishing their life they were called in big meeting by Brahma. He asked them how their lives were. All reported their life journals. Small creatures said that the life is very long and very hard. It would be better if they had short life and less struggles. Some said it is hard to find food so they wanted to be domestics. Some creatures like peacocks, parrots etc. said that they would sing and dance to entertain other creatures for making the earth beautiful. Some of big and small creatures said that they would serve other creatures. Some said that they would protect good ones and punish bad ones. Elephant said that he is big, strong so he is the best and he would rule all of creatures. Because of his arrogance he has small eyes so that he sees other creatures big. He thought no one could control him but now he is tamed by people. People said they would struggle their life, invent new things, they would love each other’s, and said that life is beautiful even though it is struggling. People were only one who could understand and determined to live life for inventing, developing etc. Brahma gave them extra-long life of other creatures. God Brahma was very happy with people. God created plants to serve as a food for the creatures. Some creatures liked to swim and live-in water. Some liked to fly in the sky. All creatures were sent to earth for life again.
It was peaceful world everybody loves each other’s. Slowly big creatures began to dominate small. They began to eat small creatures. Then small creatures began to suffer. They began to fight each other’s. Ignorance, anger, jealous, pride, selfishness in the mind made the people in the violation. Because of these delusions all creatures started to be suffered. They were always looked and taught by gods but all were not able to understand god. Slowly they forgot gods. Some creatures also followed the teachings to be generous, moral, patience, struggle, wise, love. People who were good and innocent they were very poor. They have never chance to get prosperity or happy. They were always cheated, beaten by rude people. They were living in misery. Rich people were taking care to their family and group only. They did not care about other poor people. They did not help to poor people because they were afraid that others would be richer than them. They lost mercy, wisdom and compassion. People who were rich they were becoming richer and living in pleasant life. People who were poor they were struggling for their life. Because of unbalance nature they were fighting. Gods couldn't stop their fighting and fulfill their all desires. Nature god couldn't see unbalanced nature so he came as natural calamities. When he became angry, he couldn't think what is good and what is bad. He had created this world for good but he got bad result. So, he wanted to finish everything what he has made. Then he became very big that our earth was just as a sweet in his mouth. From the earth people could see huge angry face and two wild hands were about to grab earth. People saw hands flying in the sky. Anger made him wild so his face became like monster's face. Horns began to appear in his head because of his stupidity. When he was about to eat this earth suddenly, he saw a light ray coming from the earth. Then he saw probably the first Buddha (Dipankara) in this world. He was only one man who knows that love is life, only love and forgiveness has power to finish hatred. As nature god saw Buddha Dipankar, he stopped and asked him who he is. Buddha told him that he is also a small part of soul from him. He is slave of nature god. His place is in nature god's feet. Buddha said that all creatures are his children. Why was he intending to destroy all? Then nature god replied him that all creatures had been polluted by bad thinking. He could see dark ignorance in creatures' minds. He said that there was no hope to improve peoples' mind that is why he was ending the world. Buddha said that god nature you are ocean of compassion please protect us. Buddha then requested him to give him a chance to make peace in this world and he said that it is hard but not impossible. Buddha said that he would not hurry to do that, he would be steady but he would free from pain of suffering world. Buddha's peaceful mind and peaceful suggestion and peaceful confidence made nature god happy. Pain of nature was relief from that medicine like determination. Then nature god said to Buddha that he has already taken huge wild image to finish the world, so what to do with this image, he had to finish something. Then Buddha said if you want to finish please finish poison like ignorance, desires, anger, jealousy and pride. So, nature god started to eat or to take poisons of all creatures. Those poisons are in form of snakes in the image of Chhepu. Nature god was very happy with Buddha so, he said that Buddha your place is not in my foot, your place is above in my head. Please make my mind peaceful. Then he put Buddha in his head. There is image of moon or third eye in the head of Chhepu symbolizing wisdom of Buddha. In the world of darkness Buddha came as a light that is why his name became Dipankar. Dipankar means never extinguishing light. That is why there is image of Buddha on the head of Shristikanta Lokeshwora. Shristi kanta Lokeshwora has come in this world in different time for different jobs to help us so that he has different names but, in any form, Buddha is always in his head. From that time Buddha is trying to teach us to be compassionate. He comes in different names, in different society, in different time. He always wants to come in our mind but we always shut the door of our mind by poisons. This time please try to open the door of mind and heart; I know you will forget all pain which you get from the journey of your life.
Nature god became compassionate so that we are protected so, from that time we are always worshiping him first before entering inside temples.
Please read these followings too. Thank you
It is said that about eighty-four lakhs (8,400,000) species are there in our earth. It is nature's rule that all creatures have to spend their life in all species one after another. At the end they can get human life. So, human life is very important among all species. Only human beings have such type of understanding and utilizing ability. Animals, birds, reptiles, apes, insects, fishes etc. cannot develop their mind they are just born to eat and live. All people have to understand that life is a journey where we meet good ones and bad ones. We have to face good situation and bad situation. In any situation we should keep faith in good working. We should love all creatures. We should love any type of people even though they do any mistakes. We see mistakes made by others very quickly because we have outer eye and ear. But we never try to find out our own mistakes by inner eye. We never try to listen what our soul says to us. Our soul is one small part of nature god. Why we have to love others? Because we don't know when we become bad, if we become bad, we get chance to improve into good. If we love others, we will be loved by others. Maybe it is hard but it is not impossible. Even though people know these things why are they killing other people or another creature? Why are they fighting each other’s? It is sure that we have to be that creature or that victim next time. There is always law of cause and effect. Love and peace are important missions for all people. That is why Buddha has told us to live peacefully, being compassionate with all creatures and giving chance to others to live peacefully too. To end hatred, we should start loving. Anger is our big enemy who always wants to obstacle us. All creatures have chance to improve their life. Person who does mistakes of course get punished by nature but also given a chance to improve into good. Why only people have to be compassionate and do their duties? People can be perfect in generosity, morality, patience, effort, concentration and wisdom. People who are helpful to others will be able to stop their life and death cycle. Only they can get rid from suffer.
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