Chhepu Chhepu is a god who protects us from evils and dangers. His image is kept at the top of door in torana or at the top of window at the main entrance of temple. His image is also kept over the images of gods and goddesses. We can see a huge terrifying face and two hands grabbing big snakes and eating it which means eliminating poisons of universe. There is a moon or third eye on his head it means the wisdom of Buddha. There are horns like a sheep has which is symbol for stupidity and strong determination. There are wings on his hands it means he is flying in the sky. He is a wrathful form of Avalokiteshwora. Shortcut story: From the emptiness consciousness appears as Avalokiteshwora. He then created earth and creatures. At the last he created people with his own divine qualities because he was unhappy with other creatures as they were not developing themselves. People are promoting and developing themselves because they are intelligent. They can work and eat. People were improvi...
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