We don't know how deep a stone can go?

In our previous post we talked about when to keep silent. Also we talked about the process how to attain that state of mind and how long we may have to wait for it. Now here we are talking on the behalf of the one who misbehave.

The analysis of When to keep silent is as follows, as a soft hearted person or a sensitive person we could get affected of any comments that are not true but sill got accused of it. So saying something is like throwing a stone in a lake. Our mind is like a lake but only difference is how deep is it and how sensitive are we makes the resemblance. Stone never stays on the surface of the water so same way when something is said bad to us then that misunderstanding can last any long time. If we are mature like we talked in "when to keep silent", we will not get hurt more than then when it is said. Or if we overthing such action again and again then that is like a stone thrown in the lake, that travels to the buttom of our mind and thought. So if we don't forgive it wil haunt us. The dimention of the mind or thought is kind of magical. Now,  when we remember a quarrel that time that is the buttom. But next time it culd be anyone, saying something similar to the  previous quarrel we had in past, anything that reminds us of old conflict, we will remember that last conversation. Worst thing of general human nature is that we forget the positive talks and positive things of that person, though only bad experiences are memorised. So this becomes our new bottom. So it is a loop for us to make us ill. There is a saying that we can win wars but not the battle of one with oneself. So, complaining about others would become our habit and this is dangerous since it can destroy our personality.  

Now the important step. When we are hurt stop recalling that action and tell yourself that you have forgiven that person no matter what they have said, that is possible. 

So, now that we understand that how bad and far beyond one's imagination a statement can hurt others from short to a long time. So, if you have said something that is not meant to be said. The person is very important and is sensitive then what you have to do is like a job that is going in a MISSON Impossible. You have to think it like that and imagine yourself like the actor Tom Cruise, who believes on his will power. So tell your mind that this person whom you put fight with, whom you have hurt. I have to win it back. To have strong will power to get everything fixed you have to write down down why this person is so special to you? What are the things has he or she helped you? How many times or in how important task? or anything. So now why you want to help this relationship to get back to normal? What this person might have gone through b'coz of your small mistake of saying something that you did not mean. When you are done with it. Keep that list in your mind and have that paper in your pocket. It could come to a help in future if anything else happens. 

Now the important thing to tell you is that fixing is first done from our side. That hard work is 99% our work and 1% is their work to forgive you. So, having that moment in your mind it will be hard for you to approach other person whom you have to apologize so kind of forget it. So go and help him or her at anytime if you find them in trouble. Even if they don't call you raise your hand first to them to help. Even if they defend themselves or they abuse you don't react to it. If the situation is harsh than you imagined then also you can come out of that situation being polite. You can remember the list why this person is important and more important is that how you mistaken to hurt such a sensitive person. How they suffered for your silly mistake, that is why it is like a mission impossible. Bring out the paper and reread it so that next time you can approach the person to apologize. So if you really value this person you not give up on your attempts. One thing I would like to remind you that when they need someone's help you could go at first but always look for the priorities of your personal life too. Compare the priorities on the basis like life and death to eating food. If your situation is like you are in a middle of the task for your office task then better you do your task first but when it is like you are hungry and were about to eat your food. Then helping this person could be more effective since we can wait sometime for our food. And sometimes if the help may take long time we can help them and during that action we can eat as well. And the best thing may happen. You can share your food with this person. When food is shared in the hunger it can reduce the stress of people. Since that is a love and care of human nature that is neutral to any emotions but is an attractive action to perform. 

So, it may take long time as per your level of relationship you had. So the day when you are accepted and forgiven you could be relieved. Next time you will not let anyone be upset for your sillyness since you know how much it could cost. So, when mistakes happen by heart go to the person and say sorry and show your deep concern. Give up your ego. Your materialistic achievements are not higher than this person you have in your life.

If you like this post then please like, comment and share this to those with whom you have unfortunately had misunderstanding with. Also meet them in person and show your deepest concern. 


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