Myth of Shantidev Nalanda Maha Bihar
Shantidev and Shankaracharya
Genre: Tibetan folk tales
Boddhisatva Shantidev was wise since childhood. Though he was send to monastery to acquire academic acknowledgement that could make his family proud. Then as he became a monk and started to study buddhism from the high ranking monks, teachers, he was being noticed as a kind of neglecting student. He use to sleep during classes while teachers were explaining, discussing the scriptures from holy books. As time passed on he also got promotions regarding his knowledge but there were many gossips going in his back. Those people always made fun out of Shantidev's habit of falling into the sleep during the major topics of seminars, discussions, and meditation. However, wise cheerful Shantidev was matured than his fellow monks, and was even more wiser than his professors that no one knew.
Some other place not too far lived a well known saint renounced as Shankaracharya. He was against of Buddhism. He was well known saint with 100% success rate to win debates. Against Buddhism. He use to go to Buddhist monasteries and debates with the chief of the monastery and win over them. And that results to change of Buddhist Monastery into Hindu. Shankaracharya was confident enough for his level of knowledge on Buddhist practice but for some reason he hated it so took a vow to win over Buddhism. He always travelled from one corner to another corner of Asia seeking for opportunities to invade Buddhist monasteries. One day he send a letter to the monastery where Shantidev has been practicing Buddhism.
In letter spoke like as follows
"I will come to your monastery on one good day to debate with your best professors. If your monastery wins I will accept Buddhism is higher otherwise you will have to change your monastery into hindu temple".
There in the monastery the professors and fellow monks of Shantidev accepted the challenge since they were over confident for their wisdom and they said to each other it would be actually a great opportunity for them to show two people their self respect as worthless as anything that is bad. They told each other that they will ask shantidev to attend the debate along with the best professors of the Monastery. They want that Shantidev be harrassed and be dis respected by Shankaracharya and by the community that would witness the debate. But as date came near for the debate more than half of the candidates participating the debate got anxious and started to worry since Shankaracharya was getting close to their territory with victorious steps. He stepped on new lands and won debates and changed Buddhist monasteries into hindu. However, in the group one was not affected from the news of Shankaracharya, that was Shantidev. He use to sleep during classes and did same for the last time in the class that was a day before Debate.
Shantidev then instructed his fellow monks to initiate the event with an exact time for the next day. Also said to feed them well and take a good care of the visitors before the event.
The next day, as the due date, everybody gathered in the debate hall, a huge audience swarmed inside and out of it. Everybody were curious to see who is going to win. They wanted to know Shanitdev the negligent but brilliant enough is best or the Shankharacharya whose fame was in news that hails Hinduism. As per instruction from Shantidev the opponents were well taken care regarding food and comfortable seat. The arrogant Shankaracharya however was not content. He wanted to show his level higher than anyone in the room so he displayed his power and he levitated his seat higher than anyone. Everybody came but Shantidev was yet not there. The time has come to start the debate though, a lot of gossips started since there was the absence of their brilliant scholar, Shantidev. Partially some fellow monks were smiling for the absence of Shantidev. Their common wish was coming true to them. But in other hand they were losing from inside before starting the event. Before the countdown began Shankaracharya spoke to audiences clarifying that the reason behind the challenge to this monastery was just and just Shantidev. He stated that Shantidev was wise enough and his aura was clean and strong. So personally he wanted to test him out. Then he declared that shantidev ran away to avoid the defeat against his divine wisdom.
The last countdown was about to strike and then there appeared a bright light and white fog and the visibility was none. And there as the time stroke for debate Shantidev appeared in air in front of Shankaracharya in his level. He did not wanted to show a compare so aligned his seat to Shankharacharya's seat. However, Shantidev was seen for the first time in his real Bodhisatva form and was seated on thousand petaled Lotus. Then both wise person started to debate on each others scriptures, human life, spirituality, difficulties, poisons, grants, boons and many thing. Both took the leap from their seats and got away into the sky and reached the space. Shantidev answered all the queries of Shankaracharya. Unfolded the secrets and illusions of samsara. Then ashamed Shankaracharya suddenly disappeared from the debate in the middle since he could not answer any of shantidev's questions. He felt humiliated of himself and for what he addressed at the beginning of debate to the audience. Then Shantidev alone came down to the earth for the last time and told everyone in the debate hall, that in the class he never disrespected the professors or the lessons. He never neglected the importance of the wisdom he was being given. But he said:
"I was lucky enough that I always got those lessons directly from Avalokiteshora and for that he had to pretend to be like sleeping".
He said he knew that someday he is supposed to leave this mortal life. He blessed those who got lucky to attend the event and disappeared in high sky.
Then fellow monks regretted and realized that he never wanted to leave such soon but everyone in his group always misunderstood him.
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